There is also a Flat Earth Society which can be found at, which seems to be inspired by the Illuminatus! trilogy, the Church of the Subgenius and the Principia Discordia.

It teaches that the earth is flat and five cornered, that Idaho doesn't exist, that all places called Springfield are in fact the same place and that what hollow earth theorists see is actually the people living on the bottom.

They are also connected with another group, The Flat Earth Liberation Front Against Television, which claims that the earth was once flat and infinitely large, but that the earth was 'confined, restricted, and twisted into a perverse spherical shape by a conspiracy of TELEVISION BROADCASTERS in an attempt to realize their dream of TOTAL HUMAN MIND CONTROL through subsurviant captive homogonized market share' (capitalisation and spelling errors theirs).

They plan to rectify this problem by taking pick-axes and cutting down the International Date Line, flattening out the earth, then infinitely landfilling round the edges.

Update 22/03/03 The above link is now out of date. However you can still find FELFAT at

Update 11/7/03 The old URL is back