Serving Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and intermediate points

Amtrak train numbers: 358 and 359

Predecessor railroad train numbers: Illinois Central 201-1 and 202-2 (City of New Orleans through cars), 205-5 and 16-6 (Panama Limited through cars)

The Illinois Central's flagship Chicago-New Orleans trains, the City of New Orleans and the Panama Limited, both featured sections that ran between St. Louis and New Orleans, with the trains being combined or separated at Carbondale, Illinois.

With the World's Fair in New Orleans in 1984, Amtrak reinstated the service, with the through cars running past St. Louis, all the way to Kansas City. In timetables, it appeared as a completely separate train, called the River Cities, although the times listed from Carbondale down to New Orleans in the schedule were exactly the same as the City of New Orleans.

The service outlasted the World's Fair, ending in about 1993.

Condensed historical timetables:

      READ DOWN                                READ UP
(1956)  (1984)  (1992)                    (1992)  (1984)  (1956) 
 -----   3:30P   3:45P Dp Kansas City  Ar  1:25P   1:45P   -----
 6:45P   8:45P   9:15P    St. Louis        8:00A   8:20A   7:38A
 9:41P  12:29A  12:47A    Carbondale       3:40A   4:52A   3:40A
 2:17A   5:08A   5:46A    Memphis         10:46P  12:06A  11:00P
 6:10A   9:08A   9:50A    Jackson, MS      6:21P   8:04P   7:25P
 9:30A  12:45P   1:50P Ar New Orleans  Dp  2:40P   4:45P   4:15P

The Amtrak Train Names Project