The name "poteen" is the anglicisation of the Irish word poitín, which means "small pot" - the word is pronounced (roughly) pu-CHEEN in both languages. As this fearsome concoction is illegal, its quality and indeed composition varies depending on the maker. In general, it is a clear liquid distilled from potatoes, with a mind-bendlingly high alcohol content. Ingestion of this liquid is generally left to the more masochistic of drinkers, but many swear by its efficacy as a rub to relieve muscle pain.

In recent times, a number of drinks have come on the market describing themselves as poitín, including Hackler's Irish Poteen. These drinks in general bear only a passing resemblence to the hooch which has been brewed in illegal stills for hundreds of years, the most salient difference being that they are drinkable by humans under certain special circumstances.

One more thing about poteen...
After a (very, very) hard night's poteen swilling, many people make an unfortunate mistake upon waking the next morning.
Obviously, your head is pounding, and your throat dry, but do NOT reach for that cool refreshing pint of cold water. The water will reactivate your digestive system and you will end up being as drunk as you were when you went to bed.
Thusly, you will be in no fit state to go to your job as heavy machinery operator at the the car testing factory.

Po*teen" (?), n. [Cf. Ir. potaim, poitim, I drink, poitin a small pot.]

Whisky; especially, whisky illicitly distilled by the Irish peasantry. [Written also potheen, and potteen.]


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Po*teen" (?), Po*theen" (?) , n. [Ir. poitin a small pot, whisky made in private stills; cf. pota pot, fr. E. pot.]

Whisky distilled in a small way privately or illicitly by the Irish peasantry.


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