This is a handy mnemonic to recognize cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning. 

Salivation: Uncontrollable watering or foaming of the mouth.

Lachrymation: Teary or watering eyes.

Urination: Involuntary voiding of the bladder.

Defecation: Involuntary movement of the bowels.

Gastrointestinal Distress: Peristalsis ceases functioning correctly.

Emesis: Vomiting

Some or all of these symptoms combined with atypical pupil response, shortness of breath, and muscle spasms (including irregular or elevated heartbeat) can indicate nerve agent or similar poisoning.

Typical treatment involves decontamination or poison control as soon as is practical, coupled with atropine and/or oxime injections.

All of the above flashed through my head when my cat suddenly began foaming at the mouth and staggering around my apartment after the application of some off-brand flea medicine. He had to be rushed to the vet, bathed, and treated. I'm very grateful my dad taught me this.