I miss you guys.

And I'm sorry that I'm not a very good writer, all told. Writing is a very internal process for me, as I suspect it is for most people, and spending time within my own mind is a dangerous indulgence. I have a tendency to roll things around in my head too much, breaking apart distinct thoughts and mixing them together until it's all just a homogeneous mass of concept and emotion. When I write, I often start the same sentence over and over, trying and then rejecting all the possible permutations until only the most laconic survive.

That's a long way of saying that today I tried to sit down and write about what's been happening in my life, what I've been thinking about, what I've done in my hiatus from E2. But despite all I had to write about, my mind pushes me to believe that people don't care and that the best effort is one that takes up the least amount of their time. Thus, a sentence--'Lately I've been reminded of a close friend who disappeared one day and the pain which I remembered has been compounded by the fact that I forgot about her'--gets reduced to an aphorism: 'I am sad'.

So when I write that I miss you guys, it's much, much more than that.