Please try to make more sense than our blurbs.

The Best of The Week

In media created for the 15-19 age group, especially dystopian and urban fantasy narratives, there is a trend of presenting the protagonist with two (or as many as six) virtues or ideals which are pitted against each other, due to circumstances which force those values to be expressed in their unhealthy extremes, to the exclusion of each other. Sometimes the young reader is railroaded by the narrative into agreeing with whichever side the protagonist ultimately takes, due to the author treating the "opposite virtue" as innately flawed or prone to extreme black-and-white thinking. Other times, the choice is agonised over by the character at first, but later it is revealed to be a false choice, under a hegemonic authority which pits various sides of society against each other as a mechanism of control.

Truth versus Beauty

Practicality versus Ambition, Realism versus Idealism, these are the oppositional virtues which

Anthropological science fiction is science fiction that primarily looks at alien cultures. While there are probably spaceships and fancy technology involved, the main point is to explore how aliens live, and to highlight the conflicts that come from humans trying to interact with an alien culture.

Star Trek liked to highlight culture clash, although this was fairly ham-handed and based more on holding a mirror up to current Earth politics than alien

I grew up in Arizona, and the "short back and sides" was also a part of my childhood haircutting routine.

I can only recall my Mom taking me to haircuts, with one notable exception. When I was very young, perhaps 7 or younger, my Mom's main preference for my hair was that the bangs be "choppy," rather than straight-across, which I presume looked too much like a bowl cut. At some point, the choppy bangs were supplanted by "short back and sides." I'm not even sure how this happened, if it

News for Noders

December 1: Iron Noder ends

December 9: Smallpox eradication day.

December 9: Grace Hopper's birthday.

December 12: Happy birthday to horacetheclown!

December 21: Winter solstice arrives 10:27 PM, EST.

December 23: Happy birthday to Nemosyn!

December 25: Hanukkah begins.

December 25: Merry Christmas!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

November 1: The IRON NODER CHALLENGE starts today and runs through December 1. It's never too late to sign up, and all writeups get rewards.

November 1: Happy Birthday Zephronias!

November 5: Bonfire Night in the UK.

November 11: Veterans Day in the US.

November 13: Everything2's Birthday.

November 27: Happy Birthday Estelore!

November 28: Thanksgiving in the US.

November 28: HairQuest 2024 begins!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

October 1: Oh no! It's The Halloween Horrorquest!

October 17: Happy Birthday gnarl!

October 31: Something spooky will probably happen today. It usually does.

October 31: prepare yourselves for the XVIInd Iron Noder in November!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

September 8: Happy birthday svntax!

September 16: Feliz cumpleaños Ancientsnow!

September 18: Happy birthday Stuart!

September 25: Happy birthday Templeton!

September 26: Stanislav Petrov Day.

September 27: Happy birthday Uberbanana!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

August 1: Brevity Quest 2024 starts today!

August 4: Happy birthday avalyn!

August 6: 広島

August 9: 長崎

August 27: Happy birthday Bitriot!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.