Surprisingly enough, I have never seen scientifical proof that denies the existence of
Santa Claus. So I figured it is time to show some simple
calculations that does this.
First we have to calculate the
distance Santa and his flock has to travel. In other words, calculate the average distance between every
July 2000 there were 6080671215 people on
earth. Since there has to be just as much Evil as there is Good in the world, Santa will only visit half of these. This eases Santa's
job, since there now are
only 3040335607 people left.
To calculate the average speed he has to maintain is simple:
510072000000km / 24h
Which leads to the following conclusion: Santa would
vaporize the second he started to
accelerate. The
friction caused by this
speed would also heat up the air so much that the surface of the earth would probably
melt. And this
calculation does not even include the time he needs to land the
sleigh, climb down the
chimney, unload gifts, eat
cookies, drink
milk, climb up the chimney again, and take off.
But what if there were more than just Santa? for instance, one million Santa?s (
MegaSanta) who split the work between them? 2 seconds of thinking should lead to the conclusion that one MegaSanta would occupy too much space in the air, and if there were one MegaSanta, all of these Santa's would still need to travel 21.253
Km/h. A
Gigasanta has to travel at 21Km/h to cover the distance, which is very slow, but still, the space needed for one billion Santas to fly safely is more than the atmosphere can hold. Yes, Santa may also orbit around the earth, but how would 1 billion fat and jolly men, a bunch of helpfull elves, and 8 billion
reindeer fit onto the
North Pole?