Some code written a long time ago, far far away, to
bump map one pixel of a 2d surface.
movd mm1,[esi+eax+4+%1]
movd edx,mm1
sub dl,128
mov dh,dl
sub dh,[esi+%1+eax+4-1+2]
sub dl,[esi+%1+4+3+2]
movd mm2,edx
punpcklbw mm2,mm3
paddsw mm2,mm7
psrlw mm2,1
packuswb mm2,mm3
movd edx,mm2
and edx,0x0000FFFF
movd mm2,[ebx+edx*4]
paddusb mm1,mm2
movd [edi+eax+4+%1],mm1
paddw mm7,mm4
Do not ask for an explanation, your puny humanoid brains cannot possibly fathom it's subtle complexities.
OK OK, here's the stuff that puts it in context. Sorry about the tabs, the original source doesn't have the wonked out tabs. MSG me if you'd like the entire source and VC workspace, it's very old code of mine and I don't have much use for it anymore.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>
unsigned char* bumpMap;
void bumpInit(void ) {
bumpMap=new unsigned char[256*256*4];
long i,j;
long double temp;
long double intensity;
for(i=0;i<256;i++) {
for(j=0;j<256;j++) {
intensity = 1 - pow ( (((i)&255) / 127.5) - 1 , 2 )
- pow ( (((j)&255) / 127.5) - 1, 2 );
if ( intensity >0) {
temp = ( (pow (intensity,15)));
temp =temp*256;
else temp=0;
bumpMap[(( ( i)&255) +
((j)&255)*256)*4+0]=(unsigned char)((temp-128-128));
bumpMap[(( ( i)&255) +
((j)&255)*256)*4+1]=(unsigned char)((temp-128-128));
bumpMap[(( ( i)&255) +
((j)&255)*256)*4+2]=(unsigned char)((temp-128-128));
bumpMap[(( ( i)&255) +
((j)&255)*256)*4+3]=(unsigned char)((temp-128-128));
void doBump(int width,int height,unsigned char
*source,unsigned char *dest,signed long spotX1
,signed long spotY1,signed long spotX2,signed long spotY2) {
//what to do with final row and final column? dunno right now.
((((unsigned short)spotX1))
+((((unsigned short)spotY1))<<16))
%macro onePixel 1
movd mm1,[esi+eax+4+%1]
movd edx,mm1
sub dl,128
mov dh,dl
sub dh,[esi+%1+eax+4-1]
sub dl,[esi+%1+4+3]
; not dx ;todo[]eradicate
movd mm2,edx
punpcklbw mm2,mm3
paddsw mm2,mm7
psrlw mm2,1
packuswb mm2,mm3
movd edx,mm2
and edx,0x0000FFFF ;todo[] eliminate
movd mm2,[ebx+edx*4]
paddusb mm1,mm2
movd [edi+eax+4+%1],mm1
paddw mm7,mm4
bits 32
section .data
push ebp
push eax
push ecx
push esi
push ebx
push edi
push edx
pxor mm0,mm0
pxor mm1,mm1
pxor mm2,mm2
pxor mm3,mm3
pxor mm4,mm4
pxor mm5,mm5
pxor mm6,mm6
pxor mm7,mm7
mov ebp,esp
; remember, [ebp+28] is pushed ebp (2 lines above)
mov ebx,[ebp+56] ; bump map
mov esi,[ebp+32] ;source
mov edi,[ebp+36] ;dest
mov eax,[ebp+40]
shl eax,2
mov [ebp+36],eax ;i eat them by the handful!
movd mm6,[ebp+48] ;(int spotX)+(int spotY)*65536
mov ecx,[ebp+44] ;height
dec ecx ;height -1
mov edx,0x00000001
movd mm4,edx
mov edx,0x00010000
movd mm5,edx
push ecx
push esi
push edi
mov ecx,[ebp+40]
shr ecx,2
dec ecx
movd mm7,[ebp+48]
paddw mm7,mm5
movd [ebp+48],mm7
onePixel 0
onePixel 4
onePixel 8
onePixel 12
add esi,16
add edi,16
dec ecx
jz doneinnerLoop
jmp innerLoop
pop edi
pop esi
add edi,[ebp+36]
add esi,[ebp+36]
pop ecx
dec ecx
jz nouterLoop
jmp outerLoop
pop edx
pop edi
pop ebx
pop esi
pop ecx
pop eax
pop ebp
align 16