The Thorough Good Cook
Entrees: 27. Tongues with Stewed Endive
sheep's tongues that have been slightly
boil them till
tender, and remove the
skin; for the centre of the dish you are to serve them in cut a piece of
bread in the form of a
vase, which is to be fried of a nice colour; then make it firm on the dish by a little paste of
flour and white of
egg mixed, of which you put a little between the bread and the dish, and set it over the stove to fix the bread ; have ready fried some bread, cut in the shape of cocks'-combs, and secure these also in the same way round the
dish, leaving room between each for a tongue, the point of which is to rest upon the bread in the centre of the dish.
Glaze the tongues, and serve a
puree of
endives round them.