user since
Fri Nov 16 2007 at 14:08:58 (16.6 years ago )
last seen
Sun Jun 23 2013 at 16:07:25 (11 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
The honor of Creator (Kind Holy Creator, no substitutes), the relief of my neighbor, and thus the benefit of the entire animate Creation.
Kindly now do not envy me my adriotness in The alchemy of Hot Glass Crafting ("glassblowing"), the psychotechnology of that which is called "Illumination", demystifying complexified parsings and memesets. Electrical and electronic research and development. Cyberops for the Compleat Idjut. Regenerative Sanity by means of Rigorous Inquiry. And a whole lot more suchlike things as these. They are all hard-won under life's live fire. Think "Walking Talking Succinct Curmudgeonly True Craft Renaissance Wotzit".
First Peoples' Church of the Forbidden Truth (a Global Funny Hat Medicine Society affiliate and ICKR Curmudgeonry Licensure Agency.
"*You* contain within yourself the entirety of all Creation. That is why you have the innate ability to gain the knowledge, consciousness, mind and conversation of Creator, no matter what. That is why you are genuinely free. Help is avauilable. There IS such a thing as Light. John 8:32 is Just All Right by ME!" (But not just ranted out all in one hog-gagging string, is all. So it takes five years, no mistake.)
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