I, like most if not all web-savvy individuals revile SPAM and delete all of them as soon as I clap my eyeballs on them. Or, in the case of Gmail, mark them as SPAM and send them to Email Heaven. Or, actually, hopefully, Email Hell.

But last month I received a very unusual email. After a little head-scratching I came to the conclusion that it was most definitely SPAM, but the most unique bit of SPAM I'd ever seen.

At first glance it looked like somebody had sent me a poem. But I quickly realized that the sender, Craig Craig, was not a real person (or if he is he's some poor bastard who undoubtedly hates his parents) and therefore the email was potted meat. But I was impressed nonetheless. It was probably made up of randomly generated text as a lot of SPAM is (I've still never figured out the point of them, somebody who is even more of a 'Net geek than I am might know) but it looked poetic, like it had a deep meaning that I wasn't getting, like perhaps it held the secrets to the universe.

What I am about to show you is the mose eloquent - and dare I say beautiful - piece of SPAM I've ever seen. It is the first SPAM I've ever kept and not deleted immediately. And here it is.

thirty or forty yards away.
a little longer, looking around anxiously, then he also sat down.
the shower in his stocking feet, leaving sticky footprints. He would stay in

Or maybe this is a snippet from an actual poem or book or something...