user since
Mon Nov 20 2000 at 03:17:55 (23.5 years ago )
last seen
Sat Dec 16 2000 at 18:51:17 (23.5 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
I can't be a yuppie. I have wierd hair.
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Raw facts:

I read a lot.
I don't own a car because driving terrifies me.
I work with a bunch of alcoholic telecom people.
Yuppies really bother me.
I like cats but don't have any because my roomate dislikes
I wear glasses.
I like winter. Winter = bulky clothing.
I really like coffee.
I live in Colorado. Many yuppies, bad coffee. I should
 probably move.
It's been pointed out to me recently that every tech toy I own
 lessens the chances of my getting a date.