Ray Bradbury, author of Farhenheit 451, correct in his assumption about the Future?
Bradbury wrote about in his book of future turmoil in the world. He is correct.

From the book of Fahrenheit 451: “Everyone I know is either shouting or dancing around like wild or beating up one another. Do you notice how people hurt each other nowadays?”-Pg.30 “Every hour so many things in the sky! How did those bombers get up there every single second of our lives! Why doesn’t someone want to talk about it! We’ve started and won two atomic wars since 1990! Is it because we’re having so much fun at home we’ve forgotten the world?”-Pg.73 “For no reason at all in the world they would have killed me.”-Pg.128

Ray Bradbury thought society today would be far too violent, and with no good reason. Quoting Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury indicates that society in the future will be like his book, containing lots of destruction. People hurt each other for reasons of entertainment or if someone simply happens to be an inconvenience. A car is speeding down an alley and would run over Montag only because he was in the way. The car swerved only to avoid sliding or having an accident had it hit Montag while he was lying down. Nobody seems to care about anyone else. Bradbury thought people would be this way around 1999. Too consumed in the desire for power to be concerned with whether or not someone gets hurt. The majority of people in the society of Fahrenheit 451 act precisely this way. They go to war all of the time.

My evidence to prove Bradbury correct is a newspaper article from The Salt Lake Tribune. The article is titled “Simply Evil.” It describes the possibility of the United States going to war with Iraq. President Bush would like Saddam Hussein to allow United Nations weapons inspectors to have access to the facilities in his nation. The facilities might be producing chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. War can be averted if we find out that no such things are being produced. Is Saddam Hussein merely evil, or insane? Let the world hope he is merely evil. An evil man would do whatever necessary to save himself and his power. For Saddam, saving his own skin would be going along with the inspectors. Compliance with Security Council would be what other countries need to see to normalize relations with Iraq and get access to its oil again. Seeing as the inspectors are not being granted access, one could only assume that such weapons are indeed being created.

Ray Bradbury is correct for the most part. There are many people in the world today who are violent. Many are evil. There are wars and terrorism. It can be viewed as without good cause. “Saddam has been responsible for an untold number of deaths, in his own nation and in his brutal and pointless war with Iran. He has ordered the use of poison gas against civilian populations that displeased him. He may, indeed be linked to the worst of international terrorism. President Bush states Iraq is on the Axis of Evil.” Iraq’s war with Iran was pointless. Saddam has had many groups of people he disagrees with murdered. Just because they were different, not to Saddam’s liking, they lost their lives. It is just the same type of thing in World War 2 and the attacks of September 11th. “Inspectors were denied access to many likely facilities altogether, and were delayed in their search of others until the government had time to whitewash whole factories. This defiance, and the international embargo that resulted, led to misery and death for Iraqi civilians, while Saddam and his cadre continued to live well off their nation’s smuggled oil wealth.” Death came to Iraqi citizens and Saddam Hussein was perfectly fine. Did he even care? How selfish some people can be.

Ray Bradbury was correct about the future, mass destruction is all over the world, and people's minds are corrupt and tainted.