A weapon system from the Gundam universe.

Used during the Battle of Solomon and during the events of U.C. 0083, a Solar System is a huge array of hundreds of mirrors in space. Each mirror is controlled by a central control module. The weapon is used by orienting the mirrors to reflect solar energy to a small point in space - i.e. spacecraft or colonies.

Although cheap and efficient, it's construction makes is extremely vulnerable to enemy attack, lacking any defenses against capital ships, mobile armor, or mobile suits. Thus, they need to be protected with a fleet-sized group.

On of the more feasible weapons from the Gundam universe, not requiring alterations in known physics, unlike mobile suits, which require Minovsky particles.

As an aside, I'd like to contruct a miniature version in my back yard. In order to do this, I need lots of cheap, reflective things. Those of you who have some AOL CDs are encouraged to send them to me.