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Maintained By: haqiqat

آزاد āzād, adj. Free, liberated. 2. Lonely, solitary; (Fem.) آزاده āzādaʿh. آزاديدل āzādedal, verb intrans. To be set free, manumitted, liberated, emancipated. 2. To become lonely. آزادول āzādawul, verb trans. To free, to liberate, to deliver, to set at liberty, to emancipate, to manumit. آزادافراطي āzād āfrādy, radical freedom.


ستن stan, s.f. (1st) A needle, a post, a pillar, a prop, a column. Pl. ستنِ stani.


آزادستن Azadistan. Land of the Liberated.

1 December 2, 2022 (log) haqiqat writeup
2 February 10, 2023 (log) haqiqat writeup
3 March 4, 2023 (log) haqiqat writeup
4 May 4, 2023 (log) haqiqat writeup
5 May 19, 2023 (log) haqiqat writeup
6 June 9, 2023 (log) haqiqat writeup
7 December 11, 2023 (log) haqiqat writeup
8 April 25, 2024 (log) haqiqat writeup