A level of silence that is beyond any other.

As I sit, waiting...wondering
how my loved one's doing
"He has been in there a long time,"
I say misconstruing.

The doctors came...we held our breath,
It was silent in the room.
We expected happy news
and only met with doom.

The doctors said he would be fine
and things were all routine.
On the contrary I came to find
meeting with a somber scene.

The anger filled, the rage unleashed,
I started destroying stuff.
I then realized within a blink of an eye.
My father's light was snuffed.

The doctors continued with the details,
I couldn't believe my ears,
"Why did my father deserve this?"
I said...while sheding tears.

I still mourn him and I still think
about the things mislaid.
All the things that could have been,
and the memories we would have made.

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