The baby dream again. Tammy has a baby only to realise all too late that she has neglected it. Too late she realises her responsibility. Baby dies, or falls ill, or she doesn't know about its wellbeing. She is frantic and devastated, she hates herself, she wants to die. She runs to strangers or whoever, and tries to make sense of it. In the last Baby Dream, two weeks had passed. She asked her mother if the baby had been sleeping, had it been fed, had anybody seen it. She envisioned the baby as a black lump of coal, or something burnt and misshapen. It had, she learnt, been sleeping in a cardboard box. Her mother had seen it a couple times.

Most of the time the dreamer understands what their dream means.

I alter my dreams when they get too much, I moderate them to lucidity, but in the last Baby Dream I couldn't reach that control.

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