Opposites and middles.
Drink and get cold.
Smoke and get agitated.
Standing still.
She grabs my arm.
Walking away.
Too much, too fast.
Running into night.
Nothing moves fast enough.
A big blob, time is.
Eating everything.
One big bite.
Clear and concise she said.
Just like life?
Stop asking me questions.
Clicking at me.
This is not the right place.
I'm born here.
Simply born here.
I'm so sick of you.
We switched places.
Just numb me.
Life is a surreal filter,
Something large and colorful.
Overflowing a brim,
Frothy nectar of Gods.
Untruthful, Unsatisfying,
Under someone's thumb,
Who doesn't think enough.
Or is perfect,
Just the way she is.

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