The Mercedes Benz SLK is a two-seated roadster modell built by Daimler Chrysler. Normal appearance is Coupe-like with a hardtop-roof. If the weather or your guts allow it, the SLK changes into a cabrio let within 30 seconds. There are three engine-versions avaiable:
  • 4-cylinder 2litre Compressor with 163 hp,
  • 4-cylinder 2.3litre Compressor with 196 hp and
  • 6-cylinder 3.2litre with 212 hp.

The interior can be personalized in every detail. the most popular colors are silver and black. The Mercedes-Benz inhouse-Tuner AMG allows further personalization with their SLK-Tuning Kit.
I don´t know, if a car like this makes any sense, but sure it´s big fun to drive it...

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