From Walter Kaufmann's translation of The Gay Science:


The hermit speaks once more.--We, too, associate with "people"; we, too, modestly don the dress in which (as which) others know us, respect us, look for us--and then we appear in company, meaning among people who are disguised without wanting to admit it. We, too, do what all prudent masks do, and in response to every curiosity that does not concern our "dress" we politely place a chair against the door. But there are also other ways and tricks when it comes to associating with or passing among men--for example, as a ghost, which is altogether advisable if one wants to get rid of them quickly and make them afraid. Example: One reaches out for us but gets no hold of us. That is frightening. Or we enter through a closed door. Or after all lights have been extinguished. Or after we have died.
The last trick is the trick of posthumous people par excellence. ("What did you think?" one of them once asked impatiently; "would we feel like enduring the estrangement, the cold and quiet of the grave around us--this whole subterranean, concealed, mute, undiscovered solitude that among us is called life but might just as well be called death--if we did not know what will become of us, and that it is only after death that we shall enter our life and become alive, oh, very much alive, we posthumous people!")

In a footnote to this passage, Kaufmann addresses the graffiti written above and suggests a third line response to that of God. This response is derived from the preface to The Antichrist and is also found in the first section of the third chapter of Ecce Homo:

'Some are born posthumously.' Nietzsche.

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