From the people who brought the world "poutine" there is another French Canadian delicacy they're waiting to spring on an unsuspecting world: steamies.

Steamies are basically hot dogs cooked with steam. The hot dog is placed in a rich, top-sliced bun and then both bun and tube steak are steam cooked. A correctly prepared steamie should leave the hot dog piping and the bun warm and moist, with a consistency not unlike custard.

Sometimes "Stimés" is used in place of "Steamies" by those uncomfy with a French Canadian delicacy bearing such an obvious English (aka Anglais hostie *spit*!) name.

Steamies should be ordered "All Dress" or not ordered at all. What you'll get is a dog dripping with relish, mustard, onions, minced cabbage, and quite possibly some fresh white cheese curds. Note the lack of an "-ed" on "All Dress". This is not bad English (or Anglais hostie *spit*!). It's perfectly correct Franglais, as in "donne-moé un stimé all-dress pi un Pepsi!"

Along with your steamie, you'll generally be encouraged to order a side of sinfully greasy fries, which get served in a paper lunch sack with enough salt to destroy much of Greece's arable soil.

An alternative to the "steamie all-dress" is "le 'ot dog mishigan" or "un Michigan avec fromage". Instead of the steamie's usual compliment of relish, too many onions, and mustard, the steamie is slathered in a heap of spaghetti meat sauce with the ubiquitous cheese curds. Un Michigan should not be confused with a flotteur. A flotteur is a hot dog bun filled with ground beef and then covered in spaghetti sauce. It's also interesting to note, "Michigan" is used by French Canadians to denote any food (be it hot dogs, poutine, etc) covered in spaghetti meat sauce.

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