"The Golden Age Of Wireless" is the first album by synth-pop and new wave pioneer Thomas Dolby. The Golden Age Of Wireless, released in 1982, was nine tracks of moody, somewhat ambient synthesized music, similar to Gary Numan's early work. The album, while rather brilliant, was not a commercial success, and failed to chart a hit single.

In 1983, however, Dolby recorded a single called She Blinded Me With Science. This was a hit, and to capitalize on its success, his label decided to release an EP called Blinded By Science to judge if they could re-release "The Golden Age Of Wireless". It sold well, and in 1983, The Golden Age of Wireless was re-released with "She Blinded Me With Science" as the leadoff track, and with a new album cover.

The songs on the album, aside from "She Blinded Me With Science" tend to be on the calm and melodic side. Europa and the Pirate Twins, and One Of Our Submarines are particuarly good, evoking a meloncholy feel with excellent instrumentation. Meanwhile Commercial Breakup and Wind Power give the album a bit of energy in the middle. Thomas Dolby proves he is a clever and unique musician with this album.

There are two CD releases of "The Golden Age Of Wireless". Both CDs follow the second version's tracklist, but the newest CD release replaces the original version of "She Blinded Me With Science" with an extended remix of the track. The remixed version is not nearly as good as the original, making the original CD worth tracking down. The remix of "She Blinded Me With Science" can also be found on the CD 12x12 Original Remixes.


  1. She Blinded Me With Science
  2. Radio Silence
  3. Airwaves
  4. Flying North
  5. Weightless
  6. Europa and the Pirate Twins
  7. Wind Power
  8. Commercial Breakup
  9. One Of Our Submarines
  10. Cloudburst At Shingle Street

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