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They walk around her like she is in danger of breaking
You are truly a goddess of disturbed tranquility
She is in the heartbeat you hear around you, listen
Her name is Rebecca
So dark, the buildings are afraid of one another
Feminine hygiene products never cease to amaze
Revolving doors that only open when someone exits
My mother is convinced I want to be a nudist
She is like an onion
The Fragile
Everything you're not supposed to do
The only defense is a good pretense
January 29, 2005
To the drive who keeps taking me
All In Your Hands
I'm scared to death of what havoc he could wreak in my life
Alexander the Great
to be denied of a tiny heaven
August 6, 2010
Involuntary Dialogue
China de Sade
Are You Out There?
May 11, 2002
Growing I guess
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