Yachad ("together") is the National Jewish Council for the Disabled, an organization in America and Canada that serves the Jewish mentally retarded. Its main goal is the integration of the retarded into society. To that end, it sponsors various programs which both "Yachad members" and non-disabled people participate in. These include:
  • Shabbatons- monthly or bimothly Sabbath retreats in various neighborhoods
  • Good Sports- monthly sports program at Edward R. Murrow high school (in Brooklyn)
  • Yad B'Yad (literally "hand in hand")- summer touring program of Israel or the East Coast

Yachad is devided into three age groups- Junior Yachad (up to about age 14), Senior Yachad (about 14 to 35), and Reim (literally "friends", about 35 and up). Junior Yachad is generally paired with junior high students, Senior Yachad with high school students, and Reim with college students and older.

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