user since
Fri Jun 18 1999 at 19:11:42 (25 years ago )
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0 (Initiate) / -1
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Welcome to my node, anchored to what would be E13th Street if there were one. Instead it's Argyle Road, named after a type of sock. I'm not far from Flatbush in Brooklyn.

Most people think that the island of Manhattan is New York City. That'.s wrong. Manhattan, together with Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island comprise New York City.

I'd better watch it, lest my Node become a Pustule or a Wart or some other kind of Growth. OK, I'll make it quick: Male, 45, yes,, no, and thanks, a lot of people say that.

That's all for now. A paint chip in the shape of South America fell out of the hallway ceiling. Go away and play with some flux..