Hawaiian word. Usually used as a derogatory description or racial insult towards non natives in the Hawaiian Islands. The word translates literally into "without roots" or "without breath" (probably reffering to the breath of aloha). There is still debate today as to which meaning is correct and none has been accepted as canon.

I don't doubt that this is probably the correct spelling of the word. However, anyone who has not lived in Hawaii for a while, or has seen the movie North Shore, might be misled by the spelling. I grew up in Hawaii and still had to sound out that-guy's spelling to convince myself. For those of you who have not already followed a softlink out of boredom, and have been able to hold onto whatever interest I was able to incite with this writeup, you can spell it phonetically as haole-remember that all vowels are short.

Also, regarding that-guys writeup: Haole is definitely used as an insult, but it is generally aimed at caucasians in the islands.

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