Today is my yearly mammogram which I'm not looking forward to since this will be the first since pacemaker insertion. That area of my chest is still very uncomfortable. Due to side effects from medications for Cardiac Sarcoidosis, which have been adjusted twice since October 7, 2017, I need one of my sons to drive. They both have been very agreeable about driving me to numerous tests and Dr. appointments BUT IT BOTHERS ME THAT I CANNOT DRIVE MYSELF.

Because I have a history of breast cancer, an ultrasound will also be performed. Ultrasounds are relaxing and I'm ticklish so that part will be fun. The results will be submitted to a clinical trial I agreed to participate in because at the time my diagnosis fit certain criteria.

Strange to remember three Novembers ago both my husband and I got mammograms together. The facility is geared towards women so he looked out of place wearing a plush white robe with pink lining, reading aloud a large sign that described Patients' Rights, one of which is being treated with courtesy. Sadly, the tech who performed my husband's mammogram and ultrasound was very curt, bordering on rude. (I sat in with him after explaining he had Alzheimer's plus was mostly deaf. I should have spoken up more.) Then he needed a mastectomy for gynecomastia.

Please schedule a mammogram and/or remind those in your life to do so as well.


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