Motorcyclist term for motorcycle riders who ignore the bounds of safety, wisdom, and occasionally physics in their choice of bikes, speed, and ride wear. Frequently seen doing wheelies on a cherry new sportbike wearing only a t-shirt, shorts, and thongs. Occasionally seen later with massive injuries and a no-longer-cherry sportsbike.

Squid is a slang term used by computer geeks to refer to other computer geeks that have spent too much time in the dark in front of a computer. It refers to the pale, pasty squid-like appearance of the hands after too much time indoors.

Squid was a term we used in high school for those guys what were just too.. friendly, but gave you a cold, clammy, squishy feeling (serially overfriendly). The term made a good warning, because sometimes it took a while for people to realize a squid's true nature. This could leave embarassing memories of sitting on said squid's lap or laughing at squid's stupid jokes.

A derogatory term used to describe, young buzzed drunk stupid enlistees in the US Navy.

These individuals are generally around 25 years old and have no manners and blow all of their disposable income on booze and women.

An animal using tentacles for catching food and sexual activities. It can regenerate its arms when they are cut off and can make a "penis" of one of its tentacles when in need of one. So, please think again when you are eating sushi. It could be something completely different than you had expected.

SQUID; Super conducting QUantum Interference Device; A type of highly sensitive magnetic field sensor. A SQUID can detect a powerline's magnetic field several kilometers away. Or can detect the minute magnetic field that is created by the flow of currents through nerves in a brain, thus could be used as a reciver in thought controlled devices, though there is still the problem of decoding the signals.

Several hundred cephalopod species belonging the phylum mollosca. These creatures range in size from a few centimeters in length to eighty feet in the case of Architeuthis, the giant squid. Squid possess a body plan similar to that of the octopus, cuttlefish, and nautilus, with ten tentacles (8 short / 2 long) and a beak-like mouth at one end of the body and a mantle at the other which holds the internal organs. They are distinguished from these other cephalopods by their rigid mantles and lack of shells.

Squid are universally carnivorous, feeding on just about anything they can successfully catch and eat. Although typically social animals, they are known to engage in cannibalism, eating smaller members of their own species.

These animals also possess a well developed nervous system and are considered to be some of the most intelligent invertebrates. They are capable of communication with other members of their own species through their ability to change the color of their skin, and have been studied with some success in laboratories to explore the learning capabilities of marine invertebrates. They also possess a highly evolved eye similar to that of vertebrates.

Squid are very fast creatures and are capable of propelling themselves through the water by sucking water into the mantle and then pushing it out through an opening called a "siphon". This sort of "jet propulsion" allows them to effectively elude predators. They also produce "ink" which they secrete into the water to hide themselves as they flee.

The blood of squid is based on copper, rather than iron. As such, it is blue in color and requires cool temperatures to effectively bond to oxygen in the water. Changes in water temperature can be fatal to squid, and weather phenomena such as El Nino are known to trigger squid migrations.

The fossil record suggests that the progenitors of the modern squid evolved a similar body plan in the early Paleozoic era. However, those creatures possessed shells not unlike the nautilus, but similar in shape to a modern squid's mantle. It is suggested that squid lost their shells in the Mesozoic era.

Squid (named so because all other good names were apparently taken - no, honest!) is a HTTP/Gopher/FTP proxy caching server, mainly intended to be used in UNIXes. Its primary goal of life, as with other proxies of this type, is to fetch stuff off the network and keep a copy in local network, in case someone there wants it really quickly. At the moment, it is likely to be one of the most widely used proxy servers. It is distributed under GPL.

It was originally developed by National Laboratory for Applied Networking Research (NLANR), now also by volunteers. NLANR's Duane Wessels is the current project maintainer.

I have used Squid for some time on my own machine to speed up ISDN web browsing, and it helped somewhat even when it's actually much bigger than what's needed for this purpose. Now that I have broadband connection it's probably redundant, but I have forgotten to uninstall it. =) In Debian the setup is very simple, just about as tricky/trickless as Apache.

Squid is very configurable. It supports many kinds of access control, ICP/HTCP interfacing with other proxies, many sorts of messing with the data (including header mangling a la header stripping and User-Agent stripping)... It keeps things cached in directory, metadata in memory, and also can keep very often needed things in RAM.

Home page:

Sources: SQUID FAQs

Squid (?), n. [Cf. Squirt.]

1. Zool.

Any one of numerous species of ten-armed cephalopods having a long, tapered body, and a caudal fin on each side; especially, any species of Loligo, Ommastrephes, and related genera. See Calamary, Decacerata, Dibranchiata.

Some of these squids are very abundant on the Atlantic coast of North America, and are used in large quantities for bait, especially in the cod fishery. The most abundant of the American squids are the northern squid (Ommastrephes illecebrosus), ranging from Southern New England to Newfoundland, and the southern squid (Loligo Pealii), ranging from Virginia to Massachusetts.


A fishhook with a piece of bright lead, bone, or other substance, fastened on its shank to imitate a squid.

Flying squid, Giant squid. Zool. See under Flying, and Giant. -- Squid hound Zool., the striped bass.


© Webster 1913.

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