(This is an actual
recipe from the 1800s when it was believed that
torture of an
animal would make it
taste better, as reprinted in '
Natural History of the
Senses,' by
Diane Ackermann.)
Pull off all her feathers, only the head and neck must be spared: then make a fire round about her, not too close
to her, that the smoke do not choke her, and that the fire may not burn her too soon; not too far off that she
may not escape free: within the circle of the fire let there be set small cups and pots of water, wherein salt and
honey are mingled; and let there be set all chargers full of sodden Apples, cut into small pieces in the dish. The
Goose must be all larded and basted over with butter: put then fire about her, but do not make too much haste,
when as you see her begin to roast; for by walking about and flying here and there, being cooped in by the fire
that stops her way out, the unwearing Goose is kept in; she will fall to drink the water to quench her thirst, and
cool her heart, and all her body, and the Apple sauce will make her dung and cleanse and empty her. And when
she roasteth, and consumes inwardly, always wet her head and heart with a wet sponge; and when you see her
giddy with running, and begin to stumble, her heart wants moisture, and she is roasted enough. Take her up and
set her before your guests and she will cry as you cut off any part from her and will be almost eaten up before
she be dead: it is mightly pleasant to behold!