by gnarl

said by Sam512: "Wikipedia has "The Free Encyclopedia ". Slashdot has "News for nerds. Stuff that matters. " E2 has nothing. "

Read. Write.  37  35.24%
Nodegel Boogaloo  6  5.71%
Lesbians. Monkeys. Memes.  7  6.67%
Can't Get Enough Of Your Love  0  0.00%
The Ultimate Everything Experience Times Two  4  3.81%
In a world that wants your content, we just want a hug.  6  5.71%
Link. Log. Leap. Lollygag. Look. Learn. Leave.  5  4.76%
Subtitle? We don't need no stinking subtitle!  9  8.57%
None of the above.  31  29.52%
Total  105  100.00%