Advanced Placement Art History

Course Description: This advanced placement course is designed to provide the same benefits to secondary school students as those provided by an introductory college course in art history; an understanding and enjoyment of architecture, sculpture, painting, and other art forms within historical and cultural contexts. It also provides an opportunity for schools to strengthen an area neglected in most curricula. In the course, students examine major forms of artistic expression from the past and the present from a variety of cultures. They learn to look at works of art critically, with intelligence and sensitivity, and to analyze what they see. Many colleges and universities offer advanced placement and/or credit to students who have performed successfully on the AP Art History Examination.


I signed up for this class last year, hoping that it would give me some exposure to the visual arts ( The only arts related class I had been in at the time was the school orchestra ). I was thrilled when the principal gave me his sign of approval. I had seen the classroom, and met with the teacher. And this class, I knew from the moment I first stepped inside, was the one that would that would make the bore of AP Statistics and AP Chemistry bearable. It was going to be my favorite class. Summer came and went, and school started once again. The future architect in me was psyched from the thought of all the amazing projects that I will be making. I eagerly received my semester schedule. To my horror, I had been placed in Anatomy/Physiology. The Art History class had been cancelled. What?!! Apparently the teacher, who was retired and had been teaching only part time, had decided over the summer to retire, fully. All I could do was to hold in the frustration and disappointment.


So, what kind of a replacement is Anatomy/Physiology for AP Art History? Well, sitting right next to me in the class is the most beautifully intelligent girl I have ever met. I guess life will go on.

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