In early 1999, a humor band called A-Tyyppi from Jyväskylä, Finland, made a little joke song to promote sports broadcasts.

The song had a fairly ordinary dance music background... and the lyrics consisted of sound samples from television sports commentator Antero Mertaranta, particularly those comments from the Finnish ice hockey world championship victory.

Well, it's a well-known fact that Finns like ice hockey - and so it wasn't really surprising that the single sold like no tomorrow... eventually it sold platinum!

Mertaranta was a music teacher and musician, but this was the first time he was on charts. However, he left the music making for A-Tyyppi and kept commenting on sports, which was probably a better choice. =)

The song itself was pretty clever, and surprisingly enough it's funny even now (and no, I'm not a sports fan). Sports music from the best end of the scale =)

(Should the "lyrics" be noded?)

Sources: News and media in general, my memory of the incident, and Helsingin Sanomat 16.5.1999 web article

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