You may be thinking to yourself...

I like sandwiches. I wonder what would make the perfect sandwich.

I'll tell you. When you have a sandwich, you have two pieces of bread, some cold cuts in the middle, maybe a little mustard, maybe a little mayo, maybe a pickle. Most sandwiches lack the perfect ingredient: Chips!

Chips? And I don't mean on the side, either.

Sandwiches, by their very nature, are soft. You bite into a sandwich, chew it up, swallow, go "Mmmmmm", and repeat the process. Now, if you had put a few chips on the sandwich before eating it, you have yourself a whole new experience. Your sandwich now has some substance! It's crunchy! It has texture, strength, endurance, and it tastes REALLY REALLY GOOD.

Adding chips to a sandwich is one of the best things you can do to it!

NOTE: This doesn't apply to Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. That would be just nasty.