ON IN oto (sound)

ASCII Art Representation:

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Character Etymology:

Once written as a pictograph of a face with a mouth to create the old character for speak. Later, a tongue was added to show greater vocalization, i.e. to shout or to sing. This led to just the present meaning of sound.

A listing of all on-yomi and kun-yomi readings:

on-yomi: ON IN
kun-yomi: oto ne

Nanori Readings:

Nanori: o to

English Definitions:

  1. ON: sound, noise, pronunciation.
  2. IN: sound or tone.
  3. oto: sound, noise, roar, or fame.
  4. ne: sound, tone, note, voice, or chirping.

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

音楽 (ongaku): music.
発音 (hatsuon): pronunciation.
音訓 (onkun): referring to the pronunciation of Japanese's Chinese characters. See: on-yomi and kun-yomi.

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