A drinking game.

Four or more people assure they have an adequate supply of alcoholic beverages for each person. Then sitting in a circle, the first player says the first and last name of a famous person. The direction of play is determined by the first person to the left or right of the first player to say a famous persons name beginning with the last letter of player one's name. Continuing, player three says a name beginning with the last letter of player two's name and so on. If any player says a name that begins with the same two letters, the direction is reversed and the previous player must come up with another name following the rules. If a player can not come up with a name, they must drink until they can. Any player which provides a name when it is not their turn must also drink.

Names must be of famous people, including athletes, politicians, cartoon characters (good for double letters) or generally known figures in society. Titles, such as prince, queen, sir, etc are not valid substitutes for first names.


Player 1 - John
Player 2 - Jane
Player 3 - Jake
Player 4 - Jack

John says Bart Simpson
Jane says Stephanie McMahon
Jake thinks for 3 seconds then has to drink. Finally Jake says Mickey Mantle
It reverses and becomes Jane's turn again.
Jane says Michael J. Fox
It is Johns turn again.

The best catch phrase during play is "Drink while you think!" and "DRINK!"
Game play can get quite noisy and heated debates can arise over the validity of names.. exercise caution as with any drinking games.