I don't write these very often, but, I dunno. Here goes.

I was in my computer game design class today and heard the following conversation:

Josh: Did you hear that gas will be at $3.00 a gallon by the end of May?
Maureen: No way! $3.00? No way!
Girl: $60.00 tank of gas . . .

Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick!

I don't keep a car at college, which, although it nullifies my personal life, isn't so bad otherwise. Still, during the summer, I've been known to drive to work every day. This is going to suck.

I dunno. I've been conditioned by many issues of Adbusters to feel really crappy every time I key the ignition. I try not to drive unless I really have to, but . . . crap, man . . . my friends and I take a road trip to GenCon every August. It's like my only "real" vacation all summer.

Time to invest in a bike, I know . . . but . . . I don't want to get to work all sweat-soaked. Plus, that would mean I'd have to work really close to my house in the suburbs, unless I want to leave for work at like 4 or 5 in the morning . . .

Maybe I take myself too seriously?