This man may well be the inspiration (in nomine) for Lazlo Toth, the SNL comedian/guerilla letter-writer/prankster pseudonym of Don Novello, who in some letters wrote to Anheuser-Busch in the 1980s pushing Bush Beer, a "kinder, gentler" beer; in others wrote to Nixon, supportively, during Watergate; and wrote frequently to the Vatican regarding the possible sainthood of Father Guido Sarducci, following a rumored miracle on a New Jersey turnpike. The naivete and subtle humor is only strengthened by the commonplace, complete hoodwinking of the target. The collected works of Lazlo can be found in the books
  • The Lazlo Letters: The Amazing, Real-Life, Actual Correspondence of Lazlo Toth, American!
  • Citizen Lazlo! : The Continuing, Unrelenting Correspondence of Lazlo Toth, American!

    His reign of 'terror' lasted about a decade.