A jizz-mopper is described, in Kevin Smith's low-budget classic Clerks, as "the guy who cleans up the nudie booth after each guy jerks off." A customer, played by the "Lon Chaney of the 90s," Walt Flanagan, overhears this discussion and says he's "highly offended" and that he will never shop there again. Interestingly enough, the customer in question was buying paper towels and Windex. Randal brought up jizz-moppers because he was curious as to the wages for such a position. This could be interpreted in several ways; either he thinks working at a video store is so horrible that he'd rather have the even more degrading task of cleaning up other guys' cum; or it can be interpreted as further evidence for the theory (suggested by Smith himself in the audio commentary on the Clerks DVD) that Randal is actually a closet homosexual, as he might actually enjoy such a job.