It irritates me when there is no option to opt out of choosing a religion on those "for the purposes of data" sections of whatever paper you just filled out.

I certainly can't be the only single person on this Earth to simply say (when there is no bubble-circling involved) Not-Applicable to the: "What is your religious denomination?" question.

But really. I don't see the big deal with having to choose your religion. I suppose I could be called agnostic, but, frankly, that assumes I've given conscious thought to whether or not God exists, and, while I have, it doesn't necessarily mean that I give distinction to the relevance of whether or not such deities exist.

I was born Christian.
I started attacking Christianity when I became Atheist.
I stopped defending Atheism when I became Agnostic.
I've quit trying to consider the existence of a God, and simply assumed that it is one of life's axioms that man is not meant to know such things.

While one of the purposes of this writeup is to test the E2 waters (yet again), and, hopefully, see if this writeup lasts, I also am interested in what people actually think of a N/A religious preference.
Feedback, please?