The crowbar is the first and most basic weapon that can be obtained in Valve Software's FPS game Half-Life. It is a melee weapon; that is, it has a medium-to-powerful attack at extremely close range. Aside from perhaps a direct hit with the gluon gun, few things are more satisfying than sneaking up behind your opponent and capping him several times in the head with a heavy piece of metal. In Half-Life: Opposing Force, it was replaced, for whatever reason, with a pipe wrench, as well as (later on) a knife. Half-Life's most popular mod, Counter-Strike, also features a knife.

Crowbar Strategies: None. No, I'm serious. In a multi-player game, it is virtually guaranteed that you will never need to use this weapon; you almost always have something better, and if you don't, going up against your crossbow-packin' opponents with a crowbar will only end in tears and ill will. If you have no other choice, though, your best bet is to find two people involved in a shootout, sneak up behind one of them, and give him a quick love tap or two. Then grab his piece.

Happy smackin'!