The Ninja as the ultimate class

I believe the ninja is the single most powerful class of Tactics Ogre due to it's high agility. You see, every single stat in the game can be increased by killing ennemies and picking up the tarot cards they leave behind: every one of them except for agility.

Because, you see, agility is the stat that has the most potential for abuse; sure, you could have 900 strength and kill anyone with one blow. But WT, the number that determines how much time elapses before your next action, is influenced by agility. And WT gets exponentially better as it decreases. See, when a character has a WT of 5 (the minimum), he acts 40 times more often than a character that has 200, which is a pretty good WT by the end of the game: most units are actually slower than this. If it was possible to increase your agility through cards, you could very easily have a team of characters that act a thousand time before the final boss ever has his first turn.

So, back to the question at hand, why is the Ninja better than other classes? Because it has the best Agility progression in the game, and you can become one early on - say, level 5 or 6 for a standard character. A ninja goes up in agility by 7±2 per level. That means by level 50 you can have around 400 agi and 100-150 WT, dependin on equipment, so you're guaranteed he'll act first and slightly more often than any other character in the game, with the possible exception of gremlins and faeries. You can give him every other stats through tarot cards, and by equipping him with a bow, you got a unit that can cast some good spells, attack from a distance, and retreat when threathened by melee unit. Because the ninja moves faster and jumps higher than all human classes, it's unlikely your ninja's weak defense will ever be a big hassle; but even if it did, his high agility will insure a low opponent hit rate. Sure, that Terror Knight may put you down in one blow, but he can't kill what he can't hit!