In computer programming, a value is an item of data in some location of a program's memory.

A value can be numeric, i.e. an integer or floating point number, or it can be a character, a string, a boolean, a pointer or any other data type that can be used by the particular programming language used. Numeric values in a program usually represent quantities in the real world; character or string values represent textual information; pointer values usually contain memory addresses of other data.

Values can be constants, used in assignments, such as:

int rpm = 3600;
(3600 is a constant value being assigned to variable rpm)
or in expressions, such as:
volume = 4 / 3 * Math.PI * exp(radius, 3);
(4 and 3 are constants, and so (probably) is Math.PI, used in the calculation of a value for volume)
or they can be stored in variables, as in:
force = mass * acceleration;
(Variable force is being assigned a new value, the product of the values of variables mass and acceleration.)
The content of a variable is often referred to synonymously as its value.