This is when your sitting at home and by some sick twist of fate, you find the only thing you can think of is that large bottle of robitussin in your medicine cabinet. So the only logical thing to do is drink it all. You are guaranteed to have a priceless night. First off, it tastes like ass, and second, it makes your stomach feel like its filled with non-digestible jello. After about 20 minutes you start to feel a difference, you can touch things, including yourself but it will feel weird, and even delayed, almost like your skin is an inch thicker, but more sensitive. Then it starts to hit you, you feel like a zombie, when you walk you dont even know or feel your walking, its like your floating. i tried to jump but nothing happened, then 5 seconds later i felt it. i was not surprised. it felt like my body had a buffer, and everything had to be filtered and processed and then routed certain parts of me worked faster than others. Then things went wrong. Rule #1 of drinking robitussin due to complete boredom.
Make sure it does not contain guaifenesin.
I knew this before drinking it, yet i was so set on drinking it i didnt bother to read the label to check. guaifenesin, in big enough quantities (bottle of Robitussin sized quantities that is..) will make you vomit, everywhere and for many hours. While vomiting in my toilet bowl, every time i regurgitated it was the most intense feeling i have ever felt, it felt like i was moving forward at insane speeds, but only during regurgitation. i then sat for aproximately 6 hours on my couch watching funked up winamp plugins go to some progressive house, but i found that it sounded better wearing those giant ear cover things people wear when guiding plane traffic. For some reason they were in my closet. But i could still hear the music, kinda a beauty through being subtle/muffled type of deal. All in all i had a good time except my eyes were all bugged out for the whole next day, and i was twitching. I guess thats the price you pay...