The election across the United States is still going on, and as has been promised by many, it is a nailbiter. While we are waiting the outcome of the presidential race, some races are being resolved.

Although it is in the midwest, Indiana's polls close the earliest of any of the states, so Indiana is one of the first states we get results back from--- assuming that nothing gets weird or is "too close to call". Although polls in Indiana closed almost five hours ago, the total results have not been tabulated. But with 85% of its precincts reporting, the outcome of the Senatorial race seems to be a pick-up for the Democratic party.

The Indiana seat was previously held by Richard Lugar a moderate republican foreign policy specialist. He was unseated in the primary by state Treasurer Richard Mourdock. Given Indiana's conservative politics, he was considered a favorite against state representative Joe Donnelly. In a debate, however, when asked a question about abortion after rape, he replied that rape can be part of God's plan. His standing quickly plummeted.

As of the current time, Joe Donnelly leads Richard Mourdock by a narrow plurality, 49-45. The outcome of this race will give an important senate seat to the Democrats. Also, it will help reinforce the really really obvious lesson that politicians, even more than common people, should be very very careful about the subject of rape.