Cometbus is perhaps the best known and best imitated punk rock zine, as well as laying down the format for the personal zine. Over four dozen issues and eighteen years, Aaron Cometbus has creates his own literary form.

He started writing the zine at the young (even for zine writers) age of 13, in Berkeley, California as a way to be part of the punk scene at the time. Over the years, it became a way for Cometbus to reflect upon life, using a series of two to four page chapters to comment on his life.

Aaron Cometbus is notorious in the zine scene for being a loner, odd in a scene where many people start writing for the very purpose of making friends and aquantinces. On the other hand, he does tour and record with punk rock bands when he is not writing, including Pinhead Gunpowder, a band that also includes Billy Joe Armstrong from Greenday.