A boil starts out as a painful red swelling on the surface of skin. It then fills with pus.

The usual cause fo a boil is an infection in a hair follicle with the Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria. The most common locations for boils to develop on are moist locations, such as the groin but the back of the neck is another common spot. when a boil becomes extensive, and more severe it is known as a carbuncle.

People who suffer from recurrent boils should be checked for diabetes, or any other condition in which the immune system is not at full functionality. Boils should not be burst, as this can spread infection. In the most severe cases a doctor may lance a boil with a scalpel, usually under anesthesia. Sufferers should apply hot compresses every two hours, and shower instead of bath, to minimise the chance of the infection spreading.