Friendship is staying up until 2am on a school night with all your homework left to do because your friend is upset, depressed, and crying. It is the smile that comes across your face when the phone rings on a boring afternoon. It is the late summer nights sitting by the pool eating fresh cut fruit with the flickering light of lit tiki torches surrounding you. It is the comfortable silence on long car rides. Friendship is going to Perkins at night and both ordering chicken quesadillas. It is that shoulder to cry on when you are feeling down. It is spending the night with people you don’t even know just because your friend wants you to be there. It is having someone know what’s on your mind without saying a word. Friendship is knowing it’s never too late to call. It is a warm blanket on a cold winter night. It is an extra scoop of ice cream at the local shoppe. It is the super-fan who’s always cheering for you at the games. It is driving around with no particular place to go, just listening to your favorite song – Get Low. It is an umbrella to keep you from life's storms. It is taking a 6 hour drive just for an overnight visit and the long distance bill at the end of the month. Friendship is the smile when your friends read your English paper and see that it’s about them. It is the love and laughter that fills up all the empty spaces in the Swiss cheese of life.