Ivy is also an overplanted little feature in the landscape of the US, as are so many other plants. Most of the ivy along the west coast of the US is english ivy, Hedera helix, another unrelated type of 'ivy' in the grape family covers many of those 'ivy league' schools. Ivy can be good for covering a large area with vegetation quickly, but beware. Once you plant it it will never leave. Don't plant it near a tree you like, it will smother the tree quickly and kill it. Dont plant it near a small fence, it will grow so heavily on the fence it will knock it over. Dont plant it near your house, unless you want pieces of the wall ripped off. Dont plant it near kids, if they eat it they will probably get sick since its poisonous. Dont plant it in places where you dont want rats to thrive. If you live in a moist, mild natural setting dont plant it at all, it will escape and cover up whatever was growing there in the first place.