Mega Man was also a cartoon for a little while. Mega Man's voice actor was the same guy who played Goku from the early episodes of Dragonball Z; Kirby... somebody. Some of the bad guys in the cartoon included Snake Man, Ring Man, Bright Man, Ice Man, Flame Man, Guts Man, Bomb Man, and others.

Mega Man X also made an appearance in one episode where Mega Man had to go to the future. Also, Protoman seemed to be a bad guy, and didn't really want any other robots to off Mega Man because he wanted to do it himself.

As a side note, does anyone else wonder what the heck happens to the stuff that Roll sucks up her vaccum arm?

Dr. Wily really had the evil mad scientist effect going on with his evil laugh and all, and Dr. Light (an appropriate name if you ask me) keeps talking about Mega Man's self determination. Mega Man isn't afraid to do the right thing because he isn't programmed for fear, but also because he was built with confidence in himself and the unwritten code of honor.