Ack, tired, sick, still at work.

Well I'm still pretty new to Everything2, but I'm already getting node-block and resorting to doing things like filling out a daily diary in order to get one more writeup in. The stretch between second and third level is a tough one, it feels like. At least at higher levels you don't feel like there is a hard goal to hit, you just node because you feel like it. Or that's my guess anyways. I'm already fifteen exp from 3rd, but I still have to node 26 or so articles. I find myself doing fluff pieces like feed the homeless to the hungry and responding to new articles like Renaissance is for sissies, real men wear armor. I feel cheap somehow. I'm not just self promoting here, I was just using them as examples of the low level struggles.

In any case I had a pretty good weekend. Hope you did too.